استبيان قياس رضا المتعاملين مع دائرة القضاء Satisfaction Survey for Interaction with the Judiciary Department الاسم الكامل/Full Name البريد الاكتروني/Email رقم الموبايل/Mobile الجنس/Gender ذكر/Male أنثى/Female الحالة الاجتماعية/Marital Status أعزب/عزباء/Single متزوج/متزوجة/Married مطلق/مطلقة/Divorced أرمل/أرملة/Widowed المستوى التعليمي/Educational Level ثانوية عامة أو أقل/High School or Lower دبلوم/Diploma بكالوريوس/Bachelor's Degree ماجستير/Master's Degree دكتوراه/Ph.D نوع العمل/Work موظف حكومي/Governmental Employee موظف شركة خاصة/Private Company Employee صاحب عمل/Business Owner عمل حر/Freelancer غيرذلك/Other الجنسية/Nationality مواطن/Citizen مقيم خليجي/Gulf Resident مقيم عربي/Arab Resident مقيم أجنبي/Foreign Resident زائر/Visitor زائر خليجي/Gulf Visitor إقامة ذهبية/Golden Residence العمر/Age 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60/& Above وما فوق الخدمة المقدمة/the service نيابة أبو ظبي الكلية/Abu Dhabi Public Prosecution نيابة استئناف أبو ظبي/Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal نيابة النقض/Court of Cassation نيابة الاعلام/Media Prosecution نيابة الخدمات المقدمة لدى المكتب الفني للنائب العام/Services Prosecution at the Technical Office of the Attorney General نيابة تدابير الخدمة المجتمعية/Community Service Measures Prosecution نيابة الجنسية والإقامة/Nationality and Residence Prosecution نيابة الوثبة/Al Wathba Prosecution نيابة بني ياس/Bani Yas Prosecution نيابة الرحبة/Al Rahba Prosecution نيابة العين الكلية/Al Ain Judicial Prosecution نيابة استئناف العين/Al Ain Court of Appeal نيابة الجنسية والاقامة - العين/Nationality and Residence Prosecution - Al Ain نيابة العامرة/Al Amra Prosecution نيابة الوقن/Al Wagan Prosecution نيابة مرور العين/Al Ain Traffic Prosecution نيابة الظفرة الكلية/Al Difra Judicial Prosecution نيابة استئناف الظفرة/Al Difra Court of Appeal نيابة الرويس/Al Ruwais Prosecution الكاتب العدل-أبوظبي/Notary Public - Abu Dhabi الكاتب العدل-العين/Notary Public - Al Ain الكاتب العدل-الظفرة/Notary Public - Al Difra التوثيقات-أبوظبي/Documentations - Abu Dhabi التوثيقات-العين/Documentations - Al Ain التوثيقات-الظفرة/Documentations - Al Difra التوفيق والمصالحة-أبوظبي/Reconciliation and Settlement - Abu Dhabi التوفيق والمصالحة-العين/Reconciliation and Settlement - Al Ain التوفيق والمصالحة-الظفرة/Reconciliation and Settlement - Al Difra التوجيه الأسري-أبو ظبي/Family Guidance - Abu Dhabi التوجيه الأسري-بني ياس/Family Guidance - Bani Yas التوجيه الأسري-الظفرة/Family Guidance - Al Difra إدارة التنفيذ-العين/Enforcement Department - Al Ain إدارة التنفيذ-أبو ظبي/Enforcement Department - Abu Dhabi إدارة التنفيذ-الظفرة/Enforcement Department - Al Difra محكمة أبو ظبي للأسرة والدعاوى المدنية والإدارية (بجميع درجاتها)/Abu Dhabi Family Civil، and Administrative Courts (at all levels) محكمة أبو ظبي العمالية (بجميع درجاتها والتنفيذ)/Abu Dhabi Labour Court (at all levels and enforcement) محكمة النقض/Court of Cassation محكمة أبو ظبي التجارية (بجميع درجاتها والتنفيذ)/Abu Dhabi Commercial Court (at all levels and enforcement) محكمة العين الابتدائية/Al Ain Court of First Instance محكمة استئناف العين/Al Ain Court of Appeal محكمة الظفرة الابتدائية/Al Difra Court of First Instance محكمة استئناف الظفرة/Al Difra Court of Appeal رؤية المحضونين-أبو ظبي/Guardianship Vision - Abu Dhabi رؤية المحضونين-العين/Guardianship Vision - Al Ain رؤية المحضونين-الظفرة/Guardianship Vision - Al Difra تصنيف المتعاملين/Customers classification ذوي الهمم/People with determination كبار المواطنين/senior citizens مستحقي مساعدات الدعم الاجتماعي/recipients of social support benefits قسم خدمات غير المسلمين/Services for non-Muslims غير ذلك/and others الصفة القانونية للمتعامل/the legal capacity of the customer وكيل أو ممثل قانوني عن أفراد/Agent or legal representative for individuals شركات ومؤسسات/companies، and institutions الفرد نفسه/including the individual themselves 1. How do you rate the speed of response and answers to emails? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor 2. Do you trust the level of privacy provided by the email inquiry and communication service? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 3. Did you encounter any technical issues during your experience with email communication? Very little A little To some extent yes yes, strongly 4. How do you rate the professionalism of the email responses and the language used? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor 5. Did you have difficulty tracking the status of emails using the reference number? Very little A little To some extent yes yes, strongly 6. How do you rate the accuracy of the information you received through email during your interaction as a customer? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor 7. Do you think the information received via email about the service was sufficient? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 8. How do you rate the email's ability to resolve inquiries on the first attempt? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor 9. What method did you use to apply for the service you wanted to receive? Website Mobile Application Printing offices Other 10. Did you quickly find the website or the link to download the mobile application while searching the internet? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I did not search 11. Did you easily and smoothly access the desired service? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I did not use it myself 12. How do you rate the loading speed and navigation between pages and windows on the tool you used (website, mobile app)? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it myself 13. Did you face any technical issues while making payments? Very little A little To some extent yes yes, strongly N/A, I did not use it myself 14. How do you rate the ease of service application forms through (website, mobile app)? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it myself 15. During your experience, did you find data integration instead of requesting attachments from you as a user? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I did not use it myself 16. Based on your experience, how do you see the aesthetics of design (website, mobile app), including fonts and colors used? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it myself 17. In your opinion, is the (website, mobile app) user-friendly for people with determination? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little I don't know 18. After completing the service application, how would you describe the ease of receiving and obtaining the service outcome? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it myself 19. How do you rate the waiting time to receive a response from live chat? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 20. What is your rating for the accuracy of information obtained through live chat? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 21. Did you receive a high level of professionalism and courtesy when using live chat? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I did not use it 22. How do you rate the ease of interaction and use of the virtual assistant? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 23. What is your rating for the accuracy of information obtained through the virtual assistant? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 24. Was the method of providing technical support requests easy and clear? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I did not use it 25. How do you rate the presence of an effective mechanism for tracking technical support requests? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 26. How do you rate the speed of response to technical support requests? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 27. During your experience with technical support, how do you rate the efficiency of problem resolution on the first attempt? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I did not use it 28. Did you receive session attendance notifications on time? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 29. How do you rate the clarity of attendance notifications, session schedules? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor 30. Did the link work correctly during your use of the visual communication service? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 31. Did the visual communication session start on time? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 32. During your experience with visual communication, how do you rate the quality of audio and video? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 33. Based on your experience with attending remote sessions, is there an effective channel for timely support requests? yes, strongly yes To some extent No Not applicable, I did not use it. 34. If you did not receive the link, were you able to get the necessary support quickly? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little 35. Do you have any additions or suggestions to improve our services? 1 out of 35 Time's up