"Community Perception Measurement Survey about the Judiciary Department" Dear valued users, Please spare a few minutes of your time to answer the survey questions about the services of the Abu Dhabi Judiciary Department. Your participation is important to us, and your feedback helps improve the quality of our services and understand your needs. The sole purpose of this data is to collect demographic information. الاسم الكامل/Full Name البريد الاكتروني/Email رقم الموبايل/Mobile الجنس/Gender ذكر/Male أنثى/Female الحالة الاجتماعية/Marital Status أعزب/عزباء/Single متزوج/متزوجة/Married مطلق/مطلقة/Divorced أرمل/أرملة/Widowed المستوى التعليمي/Educational Level ثانوية عامة أو أقل/High School or Lower دبلوم/Diploma بكالوريوس/Bachelor's Degree ماجستير/Master's Degree دكتوراه/Ph.D نوع العمل/Work موظف حكومي/Governmental Employee موظف شركة خاصة/Private Company Employee صاحب عمل/Business Owner عمل حر/Freelancer غيرذلك/Other الجنسية/Nationality مواطن/Citizen مقيم خليجي/Gulf Resident مقيم عربي/Arab Resident مقيم أجنبي/Foreign Resident زائر/Visitor زائر خليجي/Gulf Visitor إقامة ذهبية/Golden Residence العمر/Age 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60/& Above وما فوق 1. How did you hear about the Judiciary Department? Through: Individuals who have interacted with the department previously Councils and neighborhoods Social media platforms Television channels Newspapers and magazines Radio broadcasts Display screens Outdoor road advertisements Bus and public transport advertisements ATM advertisements I haven't heard of the Judiciary Department before. 2. Were you aware that the UAE's judiciary is divided into local jurisdiction in Abu Dhabi and federal jurisdiction at the state level? Yes, I was aware and can distinguish between them. Yes, I was aware, but I don't know the difference between them. No, I was not aware of that. 3. In your opinion, does the community have knowledge of the services provided by the courts, prosecution, and judicial services in the Judiciary Department? yes, strongly yes Fair No No Strongly 4. What is your first impression when hearing about the Judiciary Department? Upholding the rule of law Achieving justice Promoting peace in the community Commitment to excellence Collective work Serving the public Caring for the customers Justice Independence Integrity Protecting rights 5. What is your impression of the services provided by the Judiciary Department? Easy, quick, and user-friendly for interactors Neutral impression (can't judge before experiencing the services myself) Difficult, slow, and hard to obtain 6. In your opinion, how satisfied is the community with the services provided by the Judiciary Department? Excellent Good Fair Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 7. What are your comments or initiatives you suggest to improve the overall community impression of the Judiciary Department? 8. What is the most effective media platform for you to get information about the Judiciary Department? Social media networks Television channels Newspapers and magazines Radio Public places (advertisements on screens) 9. What is the most effective social media platform in your opinion for disseminating information about the Judiciary Department? WhatsApp Facebook Instagram Twitter (X) LinkedIn Other I don't use social media platforms 10. What is your overall impression of the quality and output of newsletters and media campaigns about the Judiciary Department in the media platform you follow for information about the Judiciary Department? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I don't have an impression 11. How do you assess the effectiveness and impact of newsletters and media campaigns about the Judiciary Department from your perspective? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 12. From your perspective, are newsletters and media campaigns about the Judiciary Department characterized by ease and clarity? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I don't know 13. In your opinion, what are the most important media topics related to the Judiciary Department? Family and family rights Security, criminal, and legally criminal activities Accessing services from the Abu Dhabi Judiciary Department Awareness about commercial and labor laws N/A, I don't see important topics 14. What is your overall impression of the media topics related to the Judiciary Department? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I have no impression 15. What are your comments or initiatives to suggest for increasing legal awareness about the Judiciary Department and its services? 16. Do you think electronic awareness is a suitable alternative to direct communication and printed newsletters? yes No 17. Have you seen the films and awareness materials produced by the department on television and social media? Always Sometimes Rarely 18. Do the awareness news published in newspapers and magazines have an impact? yes, strongly No To some extent No No Strongly 19. Have you heard the legal awareness messages produced by the department on Abu Dhabi Radio? yes No 20. Have you noticed awareness materials on screens displayed in commercial and public places? yes No 21. Have you attended in-person or virtual awareness lectures or seminars conducted by the Judiciary Department? yes No 22. Have the community and legal awareness brochures published by the department enriched your knowledge and influenced you? yes No 23. What are the best means to deliver legal and community awareness materials in your opinion? Social media networks Television channels Newspapers and magazines Radio Public places 24. Which of these awareness campaigns have caught your interest? E-cigarette risks campaign Campaign against disrespect to the country and its institutions E-fraud campaign Privacy violation campaign E-rumor risks campaign Be Safe - Protecting children from online risks campaign Be Responsible - Raising awareness about government employees' use of social media Drug addiction awareness campaign 25. What are the reasons for watching these awareness campaigns? Liked the content Filling leisure time Because you are concerned about the topic Because the information is important Other 26. If you have watched these awareness campaigns and they didn't influence you, what are the reasons for that? The topics presented are not important The presentation style of the awareness materials is boring The content or the rhetorical style is not understandable The duration of the broadcast is long Other 27. Was the legal awareness easy and understandable? yes Somewhat No 28. How do you rate the awareness campaigns? Excellent Average Poor 29. What are your comments or initiatives to suggest for increasing legal awareness in the criminal field? 30. In your opinion, how do you rate the Judiciary Department's commitment to informing about its social and environmental achievements and initiatives through various communication channels? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I don't know 31. In your opinion, how do you see the department's commitment to delivering its initiatives and activities to different segments of the community? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I don't know 32. What is your overall impression of the impact that the department's initiatives have had on various community members? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I have no impression 33. How do you rate the Judiciary Department's launch of voluntary and humanitarian community initiatives? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I don't know 34. In your opinion, does the Judiciary Department provide financial and moral support for the success of voluntary and humanitarian campaigns? yes, strongly Good To some extent A little Very little N/A, I don't know 35. How do you see the personal participation of the department's employees in volunteer and humanitarian work? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 36. How do you rate the implementation of community seminars and lectures that concern members of the community by the Judiciary Department? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor very poor N/A, I don't know 37. In your opinion, how do you see the participation of the department's leaders and their experiences in delivering community lectures and seminars? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 38. In your opinion, does the Judiciary Department allow for summer training students to work within the department? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I don't know 39. In your opinion, does the Judiciary Department support the implementation of various cultural, national, and environmental activities and events? yes, strongly yes To some extent A little Very little N/A, I don't know 40. How do you rate the contribution of the department to the success of various community and environmental charitable initiatives? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 41. How do you see the effectiveness of the participation of the department's employees in the execution of its initiatives or their participation in the execution of initiatives from other entities? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 42. In your opinion, how do you rate the department's care for community charitable projects through direct execution or through charitable organizations? Excellent Good Somewhat Poor Very poor N/A, I don't know 43. From your point of view, what is the general satisfaction level with the attendance and content of awareness councils? Excellent Good To some extent Poor very poor 44. What are the community initiatives you suggest to the Judiciary Department as part of its responsibility to the community? 45. What are the environmental initiatives you suggest to the Judiciary Department as part of its responsibility to the community? 1 out of 1 Time's up